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What Is A Qr Code Business Card?

What Is A Qr Code Business Card? 

A QR code business card is a digital card that uses a QR code to store and share contact information with others. These cards have become increasingly popular in recent years due to the convenience and efficiency they offer. A QR code business card is a digital business card that uses a QR code to store contact information. The QR code can be scanned with a smartphone to quickly add the contact information to the user’s address book.

How To Create A Qr Code Business Card?

There are several ways to create a QR code business card:


  • Use a QR code generator website or app: There are many websites and apps that allow you to create a QR code for your business cards information, such as your name, title, company, email address, and phone number. Simply enter this information into the generator, and it will create a QR code that you can print onto your business card.


  • Use a business card design software: Many business card design software programs, such as Adobe Illustrator or Canva, allow you to create a custom business card design and include a QR code on it. Simply select the QR code option and enter your business card information to generate the QR code.


  • Use a business card printing service: Some business card printing services offer the option to include a QR code on your business cards. Simply select this option when placing your order and provide the information that you want to include in the QR code.


  • Once you have created your QR code business card, you can either print it out yourself or use a printing service to print it for you.



QR code business cards are a convenient and efficient way to share contact information. They are eco-friendly, easy to update, and cost-effective. If you’re tired of exchanging paper business cards and manually entering contact information, consider switching to a QR code business card.                      

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