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Privacy Policy

Fresnobusinessads is committed to protecting the privacy of its users. It is also committed to ensuring your privacy and privacy in all manners.

This Privacy Policy applies to everyone who visits, reads, or browses our website. If we update our blog and make some thanks to the website the Privacy Policy may change therefore, make sure you be sure to check it often.

Fresnobusinessads automatically gather certain technical information from you each time you visit the site to ensure that you have an enjoyable and satisfying experience.

The information you provide will not be used to identify you and is only used according to the fresnobusinessads policy on information retention. Each time you visit a page we take and save just the following data:

  • Date and time of access.

  • It is the address of the fresnobusinessads site that was visited by a user.

  • Internet DNS domain, as well as an IP address from which our website was able to connect.

  • The operating system and browser is is utilized for connecting to our website (if available within the internet browser).

  • It is the URL to the site (if provided by to the person who is using it).

  • The state of completion or the successful request for a webpage or any other online thing.

  • The size of the file is on the page you’ve got.

The data we collect can be used to make our site more beneficial for our users. We use this data to understand the number of users who use our site, and also the kinds of technologies they use.

We don’t record or keep track of details about individuals as well as their travels. We do not share the information with any other person than Fresnobusinessads, unless necessary to enforce the law.

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